Everyone gets nervous when it comes to wearing braces for the first time. However, all of this anxiety is baseless since it routes back to the various myths that surround it. You must have heard that braces can take years to show results or that it hurts the entire time you have them on. Well, none of these statements are true. In fact, most of the orthodontists prefer braces in Niles since they give guaranteed results to the patient. If you are planning to get braces soon, here are three myths that you must know are not true at all: 1. Braces hurt to show effective results Yes, braces might cause you a bit of discomfort at the beginning of the treatment. However, it is only short-term since your gums and teeth try to adapt to the new structure. This is amongst the most common myths surrounding braces. So, if someone tells you that braces hurt in the long-term, you’ll know that it’s nothing else but a myth. 2. Braces set off metal detectors This statement is not true since the metal d...